What is Kingdom Barbell?

Based in Salisbury, Wiltshire, Kingdom Barbell is a weightlifting club that offers group classes and 1-2-1 coaching in person and remotely.

Weightlifting is a fun and challenging sport that's great for everybody, whether you just want a new way to get into shape or you have big goals in athletic performance.

We cater for all ranges of ability- whether you're a complete novice or a seasoned athlete we'll be able to make sure you feel right at home and tailor the workout to your abilities.

Snatch weightlifting gyms in salisbury

What is Kingdom Barbell?

Based in Salisbury, Wiltshire, Kingdom Barbell is a weightlifting club that offers group classes and 1-2-1 coaching.

Weightlifting is a fun and challenging sport that's great for everybody, whether you just want a new way to get into shape or you have big goals in athletic performance.

We cater for all ranges of ability- whether you're a complete novice or a seasoned athlete we'll be able to make sure you feel right at home and tailor the workout to your abilities.

What is weightlifting?

Weightlifting is a sport comprised of two lifts, the Snatch and the Clean & Jerk. Mastery of the two lifts requires vast amounts of speed, precision, strength, flexibility and courage.


What is the Snatch?

Put simply the snatch is moving the bar from the floor to over head in one movement. This is the fastest movement in all of sports- faster even than a sprinter off the blocks! It's difficult to sum up a snatch with words, so be sure to watch the video of elite junior weightlifter Rebeka Koha!

What is the Clean & Jerk?

If the snatch is moving the bar from the floor to overhead in one movement, the clean is doing it in two.

The video shows former world record holder Ilya Ilyin clean and jerking 246kg!

What is the Snatch?

Put simply the snatch is moving the bar from the floor to over head in one movement. This is the fastest movement in all of sports- faster even than a sprinter off the blocks! It's difficult to sum up a snatch with words, so be sure to watch the video of elite junior weightlifter Rebeka Koha!

What is the Clean & Jerk?

If the snatch is moving the bar from the floor to overhead in one movement, the clean is doing it in two.

The video shows former world record holder Ilya Ilyin clean and jerking 246kg!